When it comes to the fuel that you use to power your vehicles and tool, you choose the type of gas you use. One of the types of gas you can use is ethanol-free gas. If you are considering switching to ethanol-free gas, it is important to understand the benefits of using this type of gas.

Reason #1: Improves Gas Mileage

Gas without ethanol is a purer mixture of gas. With a purer mixture of gas, you are going to be able to enjoy better gas mileage. The difference in ethanol and ethanol-free gas can be very small and gradual; however, that small difference can allow you to get many more miles each tank of gas, which can add up over time.

Reason #2: Easier on the Engine

Next, switching to ethanol-free gas can be easier on your vehicle's engine as well. Not all vehicles are designed to run on gas with ethanol. This can be especially true if you have an older vehicle. Ethanol can break down the rubber seals in your engine and lead to your car's carburetor issues. Ethanol can also attract moisture to your engine, resulting in internal rust, which can be very damaging.

All those risks are negated when you use ethanol-free gas, which doesn't damage your engine in the same way.

Reason #3: Gas Lasts Longer

If you are ordering gas for a gas station that is not that busy or filling up a large tank that you use to supply gas to your personal or work vehicles, ethanol-free gas can last longer in storage.

This is great when you are using gas somewhere you will not use the gas at too fast a rate. With ethanol-free gas, you can store the gas a little longer, allowing you to not stress about using up the gas, or even get slightly larger deliveries since the gas will last for a while.

Reason #4: Better for Outdoor Power Equipment

If you are using the gas for outdoor power equipment, it can be better to use ethanol-free gas. Ethanol-based gasoline can be damaging to power equipment and result in overheating and corrosion. It is better to use gas with a low amount or no ethanol in it at all.

Reason #5: Less Dependency on Corn

Finally, ethanol gas is dependent on by-products, such as corn. With ethanol-free gas, you don't need corn, so you can help reduce dependency on corn crops by purchasing ethanol-free gas.

If you need to purchase gas in large quantities for your business or home, you should consider purchasing ethanol-free gas. Ethanol-free gas improves gas mileage, is better on passenger vehicles and outdoor power equipment engines, and the gas lasts longer.
